Preparedness during disaster


Photo credits:Philippines earthquake:At least one dead after 6.6 magnitude tremor. Phuket Travel And Advice. Retrieved from

You will never know when a disaster strikes. With every disaster, we experienced loss and helplessness. Disaster is like the Grim Reaper who can end our lives easily. Drills let us know what to do during such instances.

Participating in earthquake drills give us more knowledge about what to do during, before and after an earthquake. It helps us know which place we need to go to when an earthquake occur and many more. With this knowledge, we can save ourlives and have lesser damage to our belongings. One example of earthquake drill is the National Silmultaneous Earthquake drill.

In conclusion, participating in earthquake drills is very advantageous to us. It can save lives, properties and money. 


  1. You're indeed right, Drills such as these is extremely advantageous to as it could lessen casualties.

    1. The theme of your blog is simple yet attractive. Nice Job!

  2. Hi Genief! I agree with what the overall message of what this post says. Nice work and good job!

  3. The Message Is Straight To The Point And Indeed These Drills Can One Day Save Our Lives


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