Starting a hobby

    We can already observe the effects of climate change in our environment. Global warming, melting of ice, rising of sea level, etc. We need to spread awareness and do something about it.

   The pandemic have a great impact on us but even so we still need to be aware and care for our environment. This pandemic, we can do things in the premises of our homes and start a hobby that can help our environment like planting trees, minimal to no use of plastics, cleaning, etc. By doing so, we are enjoying ourselves while helping our environment. Spread awareness by persuading your family and friends about it; in chat or other means. 

 The pandemic gives us opportunity to start something and to end some things. Stop global warming by doing something for the environment. Not only for today but also in the future. 

   The effects of climate change. NASA. Dec. 3,20202. Date accessed: Dec. 9,2020. Retrieved from:
   Sophie Hirsh. Students in the Philippines Must Plant 10 Trees Before Graduating, says New Law. Green Matters. 2018. Date accessed: Dec. 9,2020. Retrieved from


  1. Your blog is interesting. It's a helpful one.

  2. I agree, let's make protecting and taking care of our environment as a hobby. In this way, we can help our nature just like it helps and provides us our needs. Great blog!

  3. Your chosen color for the background is cool. All in all, the appearance of this blog is nice. Your blog is great also. Good job!

  4. Very well said. I totally agree with you. Let's start a hobby by helping and taking care our environment. Also, by protecting it and spreading awareness, our environment will be better in the near future. All in all, you've created a simple yet meaningful article. Good day!

  5. We must all be righteous. In Jesus' name, Amen!

  6. Your blog is such an awesome to read. I love the optimistic side of you!


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