Lenten Season


Lent is a period of penitential preparation for Easter. The word Lent is an old English word which means lengthen. In spring, where the days begin to get longer is when lent is observed. Western and eastern churches have different date for Lenten season. Western churches starts lent on ash Wednesday and they exclude Sundays while eastern churches start lent on Monday, 7 week before Easter  and end it on Friday, 9 days before Easter in which they call this period the ‘Great Lent’. The lent period last for 40 days, it imitates the fasting of Jesus Christ in the wilderness before he began his public ministry. The last week of Lent is called Holy week.

The Lenten season this year is different because of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Churches all over the country adjusted the guidelines to celebrate Ash Wednesday this year amidst the pandemic. Priest and lay ministers were encouraged to sprinkle ashes on the forehead, while the faithful were also given the option to observe the tradition in the comfort of their homes. The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines called on the faithful to practice mercy and compassion, especially during the time of crisis. They also encourage the community to help fellow citizens suffering the most during the pandemic.

Though we’re currently experiencing a crisis we didn’t forget our culture and traditions regarding Lenten season. It just means to say that god is in our hearts. Stay safe and strong this pandemic.

References :https://cnnphilippines.com/news/2021/2/17/CBCP-Lenten-2021-message-pandemic.html






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