Binatbatan Festival
It’s been more than a year the pandemic affected the whole world especially the economy of every country. This pandemic affected the lives of millions of peoples because of lockdowns, closure of businesses and establishments as well as transportations. Also, tourism is hardly affected in municipalities, cities and provinces but amidst to this pandemic, some are still celebrating its annual festivities that used to be a tourists attractions of their places.
Vigan City is one of this places that used to celebrate its annual festivities like the Binatbatan Festival of the Arts. It is yearly celebrated in the first week of May. Due to strict restrictions of the safety and health protocols, the celebration of this festival was not as it is before, instead, some activities are done through the help via social medias and video sharing applications like Zoom and Facebook. Site seeing on the decorated businesses and houses are done but must observe social distancing.
Even though Binatbatan festival celebrated in a simple way due to the pandemic, it was done to remember the culture and traditions of the Biguenos. It is not only as festival but it represents largely how the people of Vigan love its tradition, its works and more that represent the uniqueness of the Vigan City. The festival was done aligned with the safety health protocols and standards as to not complicate the problems brought by the pandemic. This may also be done to bring smiles to our faces and eases the hard feelings we are enduring in this time of difficulties.
It’s really important to remember our culture and traditions eventhough we are facing crisis. Let’s smile to feel better and face the challenges that we are encountering this the day. Be strong and safe during this time pandemic.
References :
Vigan City PH official facebook page.
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